
On this page, the BAC directory lists all accredited providers and their two most recent inspection reports. To find an institution, you can search by the name of the institution, location or type of accreditation scheme.

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Centre for European Master’s Programmes

Home » Centre for European Master’s Programmes
Calle de la Princesa, 22 / 2º Izq. Madrid 28008, Spain

Online, Distance and Blended Learning provider accredited since 23/03/2023

Head of Institution
Carlos Diaz

+34 911086522



The Provider offers a range of specialised, flexible and up-to-date courses that responds to the demands of a number of science-based industries. Courses are accredited by the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) in Spain and are only delivered online, in English language and on a part-time basis. The Provider delivers postgraduate courses (RQF Level 7) in Healthcare, Bioinformatics and biostatistics, Cosmetic Science, Medical Laboratory Science, Molecular Biology and Physiology, Physiotherapy and Sports Psychology. In Spain, these are known as non-official masters, and the courses provide 60 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits.


Centre for European Master's Programmes - Full Inspection Report - March 2023

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