
On this page, the BAC directory lists all accredited providers and their two most recent inspection reports. To find an institution, you can search by the name of the institution, location or type of accreditation scheme.

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Centre for Capacity Training & Development

Home » Centre for Capacity Training & Development
33 Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4AU, United Kingdom

Short course provider accredited since 27/07/2017

Head of Institution
Mr James Baffoe

0117 239 5342




The centre aims to provide short courses.  The courses will be in subject areas such as General Management and Administration, Poverty Alleviation and Reduction, Environment/Natural Resources and Climate Change, Health Management, Project Management and Monitoring, Financial Management and Auditing, Human Resources Development, Gender and Development Action, Procurement and Logistics, Agriculture and Food Security, Marketing Management and Public Relations and Banking, Finance and Macro-Economic Management.


Centre for Capacity Training and Development - Stage 3 Inspection Report - April 2018

Centre for Capacity Training and Development - Mid-way Probation Report - December 2018

Centre for Capacity Training and Development- End of Probation Report- May 2019

Centre for Capacity Training and Development - Interim Inspection Report - December 2020

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