
On this page, the BAC directory lists all accredited providers and their two most recent inspection reports. To find an institution, you can search by the name of the institution, location or type of accreditation scheme.

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Lexical Lab

Home » Lexical Lab
59 Seymour Road, London N8 0BJ, United Kingdom

Short course provider accredited since 23/03/2017

Head of Institution
Mr Hugh Dellar

0208 123 8083




The courses, designed for teachers of English, are for a six week period during the summer.
Some examples of the courses offered include:

- Teaching Lexically which is focused on a particular approach to teaching English
- Advanced Language and Culture which is aimed at developing teachers' confidence and familiarity in current issues, key cultural and political figures and events in Britain
- English Boost which is focused on enhancing speaking skills for teachers of English
- Better Testing and Assessing will be focused on the role of assessment in the teaching of English
- Developing Materials course is to support the teaching of English
- Basic English for Educators is an intensive English language course aimed at staff involved in education


Lexical Lab - Stage 2 Inspection Report - February 2017

Lexical Lab - Stage 3 Inspection Report - July 2017

Lexical Lab - Interim Report - May 2018

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