
On this page, the BAC directory lists all accredited providers and their two most recent inspection reports. To find an institution, you can search by the name of the institution, location or type of accreditation scheme.

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China UK Development Centre

Home » China UK Development Centre
Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge CB3 0AX, United Kingdom

Short course provider accredited since 13/10/2016

Head of Institution
Zheng Jiang

01223 859965



Based in Cambridge, the aim of the centre is to promote educational and cultural exchanges between China and the UK. To achieve this it works closely with universities, educational institutions, local governments and academics.

There are two main themes to the provision, which are Natural Sciences and Engineering and Social Sciences and Humanities. Both programmes provide workshops and language courses to develop the students' professional skills. Some examples of the content from the Social Sciences and Humanities programme include international perspective of social protest and modern democracy, how to write a piece of music and political economics. Example content from the Natural Sciences and Engineering programme include how does a jet engine work, environmental and biological flows and synthetic biology: when life science meets engineering.


China UK Development Centre - Interim Report - August 2017

China UK Development Centre - Re-accreditation Inspection Report - March 2022

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